They say all good things must come to an end. I don't know if I can say this blog has been "good" or not, but nevertheless - it's time for the end.
Thanks to all who have followed my crazy adventures, shared in the laughter, and giggled at the tears. I appreciate all the comments and encouragement.
And so to close yearbook-style:
Have a great summer!
You're the best!
Don't ever change!
6 confessions & pardons:
NOOOO! Awwh, Vanessa I'm going to miss your blog soooo much! I loved it! I hope in time you get an itch and decide you might want to start blogging again. Well anyway - I really enjoyed all your stories. Your such a great writer!! Love you! xoxoxo
I'm so sorry to hear that. Perhaps a sabbatical would be a better option rather than closing up shop. You can do what that diner does down the street: stay open for certain parts of the year and temporarily close for your own sanity.
What do you think?
I will really miss reading about your adventures in mommyland.
You have a wonderful gift for writing.
I really miss you! Life is entirely too busy and I really miss you.
hi vanessa, i found your blog on the mommy bloggers group on nablopmo...are you blogging somewhere else? i'm so struck by guilt both as a mom and throughout my childhood i was fascinated by your title and would love to follow your writing and mommy journey somewhere...
Dear Denise -
Thanks so much for the comment and the encouragement! Unfortunately, part of my Mommy guilt is that I was spending too much time doing this & not enough time with my little ones. I may get back to it someday...but not just yet. Thanks again, and best of luck with your own journey!
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