June 12, 2009


I often wonder why we remember what we remember. What was it about that moment in time that makes it stand out in our minds forever? When I think back to my grade school years, there are just a handful of memories I could share. Which of course is so frustrating to think about as a former first grade teacher!

What will my students remember? A field trip? A special project? The first day of school? Maybe. But more likely they'll remember some stupid offhanded comment I made and thought nothing of ever again. That's the way memories seem to work. At least for me.

Instead of bore you with crazy stories about all the random things people have said to me, I thought I'd share a somewhat humorous story about digging to China.

As a child, I really did think you could dig a hole through the earth and get to the other side. One afternoon I was outside digging with my sister and a 'friend.' [Note: this was my mom's friend's son - and so, by default, my "friend."] We were probably about 4 inches down - maybe not even - when I found a penny. And we all know how exciting that is to an 8-year-old!

My 'friend' was the jealous type. He quickly squashed all my excitement. "You can't have that! It's not yours! Don't you know who lives down there? Satan! And that penny is his! If you take it, you're stealing from him and he's gonna get you!"

And at that very moment, it started to rain. No lie. I freaked out, threw the penny back into the hole and ran in the house, totally convinced Satan was trying to get me by making it rain!

It's a random memory. But aren't they all?

4 confessions & pardons:

LeAn said...

When I was 2ish or 3ish, my family moved and stayed in a motel for a couple of months. They had a launderette with those washing machines with the glass doors on the side that you can see through to watch your laundry and all the suds spinning around and around and around. I remember those machines. They were yellow.

Anonymous said...

1st Grade --- my teacher's name was Mrs. Something-or-other-ski -- we were living in Milwaukee and half the population's lastname was Mrs. Something-ski (the other half was Something-owitz). I remember the way the room looked. I remember the teacher was tall with very long skirts and she had brown hair and I didn't like her. I remember reading "The Ugly Duckling" and it was the first book I read by myself. That's if for 1st Grade -- the rest is completely GONE!

Blueberry Eyes Design said...

I remember having to stand in the corner for talking in 1st grade. my teacher, won't name names, slammed the door (I was standing in the corner behind it) and got right in my face and yelled, no idea what she yelled. I'll never forget how terrified I was. I don't think I stopped talking in class though.

mystereiss said...

The only thing I remember about first grade is my teacher's name. Mrs. Civitate. That was a hard one for a first grader.
~ Dawn