Just for you Russamoto! Seriously - it's just a regular diaper bag! Soon, you too will be unable to leave the house with your entire cutlery set jammed in with the diapers, wipes, and matchbox cars!
Hilarious! I think that I am going to go get one of those back harnesses that the people at costco wear when loading/unloading so that I can safely lug it around! Will you email me your current address to ssakamo@juno.com?
Little Man: Daddy, what's this called? Daddy: That's a spice called mustard seed. [sensing teachable moment] Hey Buddy, did you know that God says if we have faith that's just this big that we can do great things? LittleMan: Wow. Cool. [pause, holds up salt] Daddy, what does God say about this spice?
Monkey See
Mommy: I don't want to see you doing that ever again! Little Man: Okay, don't watch me!
2 am
"Daddy, can you get my Mommy?" "Honey, it IS Mommy." "Oh...Mommy, can you get my Daddy?"
Mommy, are you stressed?
How Do You Know That?
Mommy: Why are you taking so long computer?? Little Man: Mommy, it's loading!
90 Degrees
Noooo Mommy! I want whole pants!
"I God-blessesd on you!"
Cash or Charge?
"Mommy, what does credit mean?" "Where did you hear that word, honey?" "From my voice!"
2 confessions & pardons:
Just for you Russamoto! Seriously - it's just a regular diaper bag! Soon, you too will be unable to leave the house with your entire cutlery set jammed in with the diapers, wipes, and matchbox cars!
Hilarious! I think that I am going to go get one of those back harnesses that the people at costco wear when loading/unloading so that I can safely lug it around! Will you email me your current address to ssakamo@juno.com?
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