July 19, 2008

Kill the Bugs...not the Baby!

I once spent the summer in Calcutta. I saw rats the size of cats and cockroaches like you wouldn't believe. In fact, not only did I trip over one on the sidewalk, but I once let out a primal scream as I stomped my flipflop-clad foot down on top of one. And after all that, I still hate the teeny bugs we have here.

The other day I found an army of ants infiltrating our kitchen by way of our back door. I immediately went ballistic. I ran for the insecticide spray and crazily sprayed the door (inside and out), doorknob, wall, floorboards, and everywhere else the ants might possibly think to go.

Of course, the ants may have been thinking, but I clearly was not. Soon I started coughing and gagging and my nostrils felt fuzzy. Thankfully my little guy was in the other room, but I'm pretty sure I may have done serious damage to my unborn child just by inhaling that poison!

Unfortunately, this was not the first time I almost killed my kid while trying to kill a bug. When my son was just an infant, I found a wasp in our kitchen. Again without thinking, I grabbed the closest thing I could find - bathroom deodorizer this time - and sprayed half the can on that stupid bug.

Somehow we all survived. Well, not the bugs. But I hate them anyway.

3 confessions & pardons:

Dawn said...

you should see the dead wasp carcass that's lying on our windowsill right here as i type this. it's from last fall. i went all psycho on it with the bug spray and i've been afraid to do anything about it since.

Anonymous said...

I got so freaked out over an ant infestation in our apartment when Caleb was a baby that I actually called my dad to come over from across town and help me rid the place of about 200 of the teeniest little ants ever!

I was pleased that he didn't even laugh at me AND he even stopped at the store on the way over and brought actual ant killer (both spray and traps). ( I think by that time I had sprayed both Windex and Lysol. They were all in little ant comas rather than actually being dead.)

Guilty Mom said...

You know, I think a lot of this stems from college when we had an infestation of ladybugs. You might think it was funny - but it was not! Hundreds and possibly thousands of those nasty beetles invaded my small dorm and of course, none of the girls wanted to kill them. So there we were with empty soda bottles collecting them off the doors, walls, and ceilings. And then, once we were done, one of the girls snuck out in the night and set them all free - RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR FRONT DOOR!