September 4, 2008

Baby's Coming...Soon

One of the most common things I hear these days (besides, "Wow! You look ready to pop!"), is "What do you still need for the baby?". In case you too were wondering, here's my list:

1. We could really use a college fund. Anyone got an extra to share?

2. A personal chef would do wonders. My poor toddler must get so bored with peanut butter & jelly! And I'd like a nice steak now and then.

3. A housekeeper. Someone who would smile while scrubbing the bathroom floor sounds like a dream, doesn't it?

4. More closet space. When they built our house, two closets seemed like a fine idea. Guess what? They were crazy.

5. While we're at it, a new house. We seem to have filled this one to the brim. Maybe we should get a new one so we can quickly fill that one as well.

6. A new car. See minivan post for more information.

7. A night nurse. This of course, is for our little man. He's decided being awake from 3-5am is a perfectly good idea.

8. A nice, easy delivery. I don't think explanation is needed here.

9. Diapers. Do you have any idea how many diapers I've changed in my lifetime???

10. A germ-free, violence-free, accident & disease-free world. Or maybe just bubble wrap.

If anyone can help us out with any of the above-mentioned items, we'd greatly appreciate it. All-in-all, we're feeling ready for our Little Miss to arrive. We're just not necessarily looking forward to the arrival part.

4 confessions & pardons:

Dawn said...

I was thinking that you were already in labor given the fact that we hadn't heard anything new on yours or Marc's blogs. Thanks for keeping us posted!

And I'll take most of your list, too, in case you get any "extra". :)

Guilty Mom said...

Yeah...not yet. A few hours worth of contractions the other night - but everything is calm again. Now we're just hoping to make it to my brother's wedding this Saturday! 2 weeks and counting...

Anonymous said...

How about a double package full of over-ocean supportive thoughts? Wouldn't that come in handy? :)
Hope your little lady will be coming to this world without any troubles!

Guilty Mom said...

Thanks Kata! Same here!