April 14, 2009

An Ideal Easter

Our daughter's first Easter was fabulous. It was everything I could have asked for!

We were packed on Friday night and headed up to visit my family on Saturday morning. The kids did great in the car and we didn't hit any traffic (going the other way however...). We spent a fun, but relaxing day together on Saturday and were able to put the little ones down to bed with hardly any issue.

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful. It was 60-degrees and we got the kids all dolled up for the day. They sat (mostly) well through the church service and we had a great family dinner together after. Although I had to skip the lasagna, I was pretty content with my options. After nap time, we had a family Easter egg hunt and our little guy was on cloud nine. His sister just giggled at his every move. They received little gifts from our doting family and settled happily into the car for the ride home. It was blissful.

And a total lie. The real story is coming soon....

1 confessions & pardons:

Dawn said...

You got me!! I should have known this was false with your "content to choose other options over pasta" - ha!