April 23, 2009

In My World

Imagine a dusty road in the middle of nowhere. Saloons and hotels line the street. Tumbleweed blows by. To the sound of some good ole whistling, come footsteps, complete with spur sounds. Classic western movie scene. I call it "Grandmother Showdown."

On one side, Maternal Grandmother stands, hand poised over holster. In her favor - travel from out-of-state, staying overnight, helping for one week already.

On the other side, Paternal Grandmother waits, a cocky grin playing around her mouth. In her favor - quick travel, knowledge of the area, owns the house.

In this epic battle, which played itself out this week, both Grandmothers vie for a place of honor. Shots ring out! And when the dust clears, two small children are watching from the corner. Assured they are loved once again.

3 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Good to know you haven't lost your sense of humor! Hope you're feeling better!!

Malina said...

You are a nut. But an excellent writer. You should be published.

Laura said...

You really make me laugh!! As I shake off the dust and hug your kids....