April 20, 2009

There's No Place Like Home...?

After a week of being catered to and waited on, it was time to head home. I missed my routine, my own bed, and my husband. I did a practice drive and decided I would be fine to travel. We settled in for the night when we got home and all seemed calm and peaceful. The world was right once again.

The morning dawned bright and warm. My kiddos were happy to be in familiar territory and it was nice to have hubby in bed next to me when I awoke. I cheerfully headed to the kitchen to make breakfast when it began.

An ant. Marching on my little guy's table. And then another. On his seat. Four more on the leg of the table. About a dozen on the floor.

I went into crazy-mode. I was on my hands and knees with Lysol wipes scouring the floor and killing every ant that dared show his face. I had the heebie-jeebies of course. And immediately began a list of everything in the house that needed to be disinfected.

My poor family. We were home. And it looks like life is back to normal.

1 confessions & pardons:

Malina said...

I see you added photos to your site! I am sorry about the ants. I totally know how you feel. ugh. I am glad you are home. I hope you heal quickly. love you