May 6, 2009

Dandelion Whine

When I met my MIL (mother-in-law) almost 12 years ago now, she put me to work. I'm not kidding. I couldn't believe it. I was visiting her son on a break from school and she must have figured I should be willing and able to help out with some chores. So, 12 years ago, I met my future MIL ... and picked up rocks in her backyard.

Yup. I picked up rocks so she could mow her 1/2 acre of land.

The crazy thing is, I'm still doing it. Fast-forward almost 12 years, and I'm renting a house she owns, and picking up rocks in the yard. I'm also popping dandelion heads off so the seed doesn't spread. And I've got my little guy out there helping me.

I should have run when I had the chance....

4 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

okay....THAT was funny...i mean for some odd reason "it-made-me-laugh-out-loud-funny"!! what does that say about me?????

Anonymous said...

random wonderings????
do you think MIL knows/has-ever-read this blog????
-just me (again)

Guilty Mom said...

You know, as far as I know, she never has....

Blueberry Eyes Design said...

but if you wouldn't have such a wonderful husband or 2 beautiful children. I can't believe you still pick up rocks though!