October 25, 2008

6 Years...And Counting

Our story is like no other...and every other. We met in college - dated for a little while, then decided to "just be friends." I thought it would go the way most other "friendships" go - slowly fading away into oblivion. But he wouldn't have it. He actually wanted to be friends! I thought it was strange - and it was definitely difficult - but through those college years, that's what we did. Okay, granted, there were a few kisses here and there, but come on!

We talked about getting married in 2000 - how it got to that point, I'm not really sure. Something about this guy who was always there - always a friend, no matter what. But our lives were headed in different directions. Literally. He went to the West Coast, I went to Europe. And it was in those different places that we realized we couldn't live without each other.

We were engaged in Prague and celebrated in Vienna - and I actually know other couples who have cool stories like that! Wedding planning took place across thousands of miles. And with virtually no money to our names. Thank God for loving parents!

Our 2002 wedding was beautiful - at least, that's what everyone told us at the time. We recently watched our video with our Little Man so he'd have an idea of what to do as a Ring Bearer - and I couldn't believe how young we were! Young and unabashedly in love.

We set up house in the biggest apartment our friends had ever seen. With low rent to boot! Then came unpacking and filling the empty rooms. So began the journey of turning two lives into one.

We found jobs and lots of friends. We got two cats when the apartment became home to a family of mice. At church we taught Sunday School and ran a Youth Group. Everything seemed stable and happy and going the way we'd planned.

Then we decided we wanted to live radically. We actually said those words out loud. So of course, they were meant to be challenged. Friends moved away. We took in a teenage foster daughter. We got pregnant. Our landlord decided to sell our house.

So away we went. Leaving family, friends, jobs, support. Baby was 4 months old. I had never seen the house we moved into. But we clung to each other and figured it would all work out.

Two years later, we have baby #2 and a whole new life. I can't believe we're here. But hubby asked the other day "Why does it matter where we are? I just want to be with you." Yeah. He actually said those words. Wicked cheesy. And totally sweet.

See, because no matter what else happens - another move, new job, baby #3 (dear God, no!) - I know that I will have the most amazing man by my side.

So here's to you, my love. Happy Anniversary #6. And even though statistically, American marriages last 7 years - I know this is far from our last happy year together. Because you wouldn't let it happen any other way.

6 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Believe it or not I actually remembered -- well, Ok, I remembered around the 27th or so, and yeah, I forgot to actually congratulate you guys, but I did remember! And in the midst of everything this year, that's something!!

I'm thrilled that you guys are doing well. As always, I wish you were doing well -- closer to us, but I'm glad to be one of those types of friends who really means will stay friends regardless of the miles!

Congrats on 6 years under the same roof -- may it never leak on you without making you laugh! :-) (No fancy metaphor here--- just the stuff that marriages are really made of!)

Marc said...

I love you, too!

Dawn said...

best post yet! oh, those prague days... the phone calls in our tiny phone closet, the endless discussions about "is he the one?" (for both of us) - vanessa, isn't God good??

Dawn said...

p.s. have you gotten over the "F" initial by now??

Guilty Mom said...

Dawn - I can very clearly remember all those long conversations (and tears!) we had trying to sort it all out. Thankfully, I can say with confidence "he's the one!!" And yes, the letter F is now an integrated part of my signature!

Cristyn said...

Such a sweet post. We love you guys. Congratulations! And here's to SIXTY more! (Years, not kids!) :)