November 7, 2008

Exercises in Futility

Since my recent promotion in Motherhood, I've come to realize that there are a number of things that I should not even attempt until such a time as either 1.) my children are fully able to walk, talk, and eat on their own, or 2.) I stop caring that no one likes to hear a screaming baby. Either way, it'll be awhile.

Here are some examples of exercises in futility these days.

1. Playing with my toddler: With our little one needing so much time and attention these days, it's hard to carve out special time for baby #1.

2. Cleaning the house: Yesterday I told my little guy that I couldn't play with him (see above) because I needed to do some cleaning. He pitched a fit that lasted for a good two hours.

3. Voting: I decided on Tuesday that voting would be a great way for the three of us to get out of the house. With much wrestling, we were able to make it out the door; however, when we arrived, my little man decided he didn't want to stand in line. Instead he wanted me to hold him. So there I was, with toddler in one arm, car seat in the other, diaper bag hoisted over my shoulder, in line behind the one and only smoker. When I finally shuffled my way up to registration, some nice little old lady offered to hold onto the car seat for me. Needless to say, my voting was done with no extra time to think.

4. Buying groceries: Since we were out anyway and had managed to survive voting, I decided to head to the grocery store. With Munchkin A in the part of one of those carts with a car on the front, and Munchkin B in her car seat in the cart-part, there was no room for food!

5. Going to the mall: My first outing with our new addition was to one store in the mall. This resulted in me breaking down in tears upon arriving home. The saleslady had so many issues ringing up my purchases that she wound up on the phone with managers of two other stores, and I wound up waiting for her for 45 minutes - with 9 day-old crying baby in my arms for the last 10 minutes of the nightmare. Now that I want to get us all out of the house, the mall seems like the best option. Except of course that I have no idea to get around with the two of them in tow.

6. Going to Target: Our first trip to Target was to get diapers and wipes. That's it. So when baby woke up and broke down when we reached the aisle with them, I knew it wasn't a big deal. We were all of 4 minutes from home. One thing I didn't account for - the woman in line in front of me paying with rolls of coins. Baby screamed while this saleslady opened each roll and counted all the change.

7. Traveling: We visited family last weekend and got all of...wait...oh yeah - no sleep. Little miss also decided to cry for a good 2 hours (or more, I don't really remember) before drifting off. She was the only one. That was the beginning of our little man's 4 day fever.

8. Sleeping more than 4 hours at a stretch: And really, 4 hours is pushing it. But with the little one needing to nurse and the older one cutting molars - well, let's just say that hubby and I should learn not to talk to each other in the middle of the night!

9. Eating: Truth be told, I do get to eat. Just not well. And it's often cold. But thankfully hubby has been cooking for us.

10. Blogging: Seems like a blatant lie, I know. But just imagine when I began making this list!

4 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Want a good laugh? Try taking them out to eat! I recall vowing once after a horrific "meal" at Chili's that we would not set foot in a restaurant with K. until she was able to pay for her own plate!

Well, when she was about six and C. was about one, I had forgotten this vow and T. & I decided to celebrate a raise of his by going out to dinner as a family to Olive Garden. By the time the food got to the table I was ready to leave. I remember telling T. I felt like it would have been easier if someone would have just held us at gunpoint and demanded we hand them $40 and go home.

Hang in there, though. It does get easier. Things have been lovely lately with K. She and Daddy actually went to the symphony together last night! And tonight we rented a family movie and all sat together and ate popcorn and enjoyed the movie.

Soon enough you'll have time again for the Little Man and as the Little Miss gets a little bigger you'll have special times when you can play together with both of them. This first year will probably be the hardest while the needs and demands from each are so different and your little guy is still so small.

Hang in there!

Dawn said...

If it makes you feel any better, I hardly EVER go out with the kids by myself. All grocery shopping and other activities are with both parents.

I do have the from-home-to-church-and-back routine down, though, without Dave. That's a journey we have to make a lot, since he's usually already there by the time we make it. And we go there about 87.3 times a week.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered a sling or wrap for your daughter? It might make outings a little more manageable than lugging the infant seat around. And it leaves one arm free to hold your son's hand and the other free to shop!

Guilty Mom said...

Actually, I DO have a sling - and have used it - but I'm still trying to juggle getting her into it - getting him in & out of the car - and in & out of stores (especially now that they're decorated for Christmas!) - and keeping them both warm & dry in this cold weather!