November 15, 2008


Everyone asks us who our new little one looks like. We search her tiny features to find what's recognizable as Mommy's or Daddy's. So far she has Daddy's eyes and Mommy's mouth.

Our little man has Mommy's eyes and Daddy's sense of humor.

He also wound up with two inexplicable habits from Mom and Dad. When he wants to be picked up he'll say "Mommy hold you!" just like I used to say. And when he settles down to sleep, he folds his knees up under him and sticks his little bottom in the air. Just like Daddy---used to do! Now obviously, these things weren't taught. They just sort of wound up in his genes. How does that even happen? Did Daddy's great-great-grandfather sleep the same way?

Makes me wonder what other bizarre behavior he'll display one day. I'll have no one else to blame...except Daddy of course.

2 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Our little one, just about 2.5 years, also says, "Mama hold you?" when she wants to be picked up. Probably because I tend to ask her, "Do you want Mama to hold you?"

I think "hold you" is seen as the activity and not two separate words :)

Dawn said...

ditto. lucy says the same thing, or used to. she's getting better at figuring it out. those pronouns are tough!!