November 20, 2008

Why Do I Bother?

I do it because my husband has been eating Spaghettio's for lunch. It's not because I'm a glutton for punishment.

I do it because my Little Man only wants to eat Cheerios for breakfast. It's not because I enjoy carrying a screaming toddler through the grocery store while his baby sister wails.

I do it because getting out of the house once every few days keeps me sane. It's not because I want to see how many little old ladies will offer to help me this time.

I did it because the lactation consultant said I should try sage tea. It's not because I mean to torture my children. I didn't see the gate I slammed the carriage into. And I didn't mean to walk so fast that my munchkin tripped and fell. And how could I know that the baby would scream the whole way home while we crawled behind some old guy who thought that 20 was the new 35[mph]??

I do it because eventually, I hope, it will all seem normal. And normal sounds glorious these days.

4 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You'll make it! Now you see why I started referring to my children as Screamy and Whiney. They earned those nicknames during a trip to Walmart!

This also explains why Kara occassionally asks "Am I being "The Good Kid" ?" when her brother is giving me trouble -- she knows I'm looking around for someone to be minding and obeying me -- may as well be her!

This is just one of the less appealing rights of passage into the Mommy Club -- think of it as hazing.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm only having one kid

Anonymous said...

Wow... you mean i'm not the only one??? i've had to rush through the grocery store with two screaming banshees more than once.
Here's to hoping the more we go the better it will get.