November 23, 2008


A year ago I was a skeptic. Now I'm a true believer.

A friend of mine recommended we check out probiotics for our colicky baby. My husband thought they were some form of biological robotics. Yeah. They're not. The best "in-English-please" description I can give is that they're the good bacteria in our system. We have good stuff & bad stuff in our bodies and they're mostly in balance. When they're not and the bad guys are winning, we get sick. In a little one whose system is not mature, there's not a lot of the good stuff. So the idea behind giving probiotics is that you're adding more of the good guys to fight off the bad guys. [You've obviously come to the wrong place if you're looking for the scientific explanation!]

After doing a little research, I decided it was worth a shot. It's not medication, there are no adverse effects, and our pediatrician gave us the green light. So I put in an order for BioGaia infant drops and they arrived in 3 days. The packaging was amazing. It was like a gag gift - you keep opening and opening until you get to a tiny bottle smaller than your pinky. Then five drops a day (more difficult for a nursing babe) and see what happens.

I don't know what happens for other families, but what happened for us was incredible. Our Little Miss was crying 5 or 6 nights out of 7 for somewhere around 3 hours at a time. We'd run the bathtub, carry her around, bounce her, rock her - the whole bit. Then we tried the probiotics. And in that first week, she had a total of ZERO nights like that. It was amazing. She'd still get fussy, but not to the point of total hysteria. She was easy to calm down and relatively relaxed. I was shocked and hesitatingly hopeful. Daddy is always a skeptic - but I couldn't see how we could attribute it to anything else!

It's helped with my sanity and I offer this as hope for anyone else with the same issues!

Finally! Something we may have gotten right!

2 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so happy for you! and...there are tons of things you did right, just look at your little man!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO happy to hear you guys are getting some relief!! Don't doubt yourself, you're a great mom!!