December 19, 2008

Have You Ever...

...seen four different doctors in four days?

...called food companies to check on their ingredients?

...held a screaming baby while they took a vial of her blood?

...waited 3 1/2 hours for a little one to have a bowel movement, just so they could tell you that the first test was right?

...had a pap smear while holding a screaming baby on your chest?

Welcome to My World....

3 confessions & pardons:

Dawn said...

so sorry. the last one sounds awful. let's play a little game of "would you rather?" -

Would you rather have a pap smear with a crying baby on your chest in America, or have a pap smear from a male Hungarian doctor who speaks minimal English?

I call it a draw.

Guilty Mom said...

I am so sorry! My only personal experience with the medical profession outside of the US was in Prague when they somehow decided I needed to have emergency surgery...really, I needed to get my period on a regular basis and only wanted birth control pills. Thank goodness the translator sorted THAT one out!

Russamoto said...

That sounds like the most horrible day EVER!