December 11, 2008

What You WANT to Hear

Yes, it's so great to have two kids! A boy and a girl - just what we always wanted!

Oh no - we're getting plenty of sleep!

She only wakes once in the night!

And her brother doesn't wake up at all anymore!

She's nursing like a champ!

I am so glad we did all we had to do to get everything fixed!

Oh, we're doing so well now!

Yes, I try to get us out of the house everyday!

Sometimes we even play in the yard!

It's so much easier than I thought it would be!

I can't believe all the help and support we've been given!

I'd highly recommend this to anyone who was considering it!

Really, I did all that worrying for nothing!

And how are YOU these days?

4 confessions & pardons:

Dawn said...

seriously. whenever i decide to forego one of these things and be honest, i get all kinds of awkward responses. :) some folks can't handle honesty or negativity in small talk. it happens to me all the time in the meet & greet portion of church. "how are you?" a well-meaning person asks. "not great," i'll answer, "i'm really tired and stressed out." because it's small talk, she doesn't know how to respond, so i'll quickly add, "but we're fine. we're fine."

or i get unsolicited advice about how i can make my life less stressful. (it's like, dude, i think i know what i need. you wanna babysit?)

Guilty Mom said...

EXACTLY! Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

You are so right..sometimes it is just so much easier to give one of those types of answers rather than deal with what the response, or lack of response would be. aaahh, the life of a mom, I never got it....

Anonymous said...

More of what you want to hear:

--My kids hardly watch any TV at all.

--My kids played so nicely together and always share.

--Oh boy, a "snow" day, we'll have such a great family day!

--When I talk, my kids always listen so attentively.

--Gee, my kids are great eaters! They'll eat just about anything I put in front of them.

I wish!!!!