January 14, 2009

ABC's of Dairy-Free

Allowed: apricots, asparagus, artichokes, almond milk, avocado, apples

Beware: bologna, bread, butter, butyrate, butterscotch

Caution: cheese, curds, cream, chocolate, cheesecake, casein

Don'ts: doughnuts, deli meats

Enjoy: eggs, eggplant

Friends: fruit, Fig Newmans

Grab: gelatin, graham crackers, ginger snaps, gum, guacamole

Have: honey, hard candy, herbs, hummus

Include: Italian ice

Justified: juice, jams, jelly, Jell-O

Keep: ketchup, kiwi

Leave: lactose, Lactaid, lactulose, lactogobulin, lactalbumin

Must miss: milk, milkshakes, margarine, miso

No: nougat

Open: oranges, olive oil, oregano, or Oreos

Punishable: pizza, pitas, pudding

Quit: quiche

Relish: relish

So sorry: soy, sherbet, sour cream, shoyu sauce, soy sauce, soybeans

Tainted: tofu, TVP, tamari, Tofutti, toffee, tortillas, tempeh, taquitos; try tahini!

Virtually vegan

3 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

I have to say, that is pretty stinking creative! But it seems super healthy!

Marc said...

Awesome. (not the diet, the post!)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What Marc said.
The post is really amazing but what the actual content means - I cannot really imagine, it must be difficult to think of all the can/can'ts all the time (no wonder you have such dreams recently)