February 27, 2009

Food for Thought

In my travels, I once met a man named Vlada. He was an old man, but still so full of life. The stories he could tell were amazing and he shared freely. He once told me about traveling on a river in Africa with a cannibal. The cannibal shared with Vlada what he believed to be the best-tasting part of the human body - the base of a thumb.

I've thought about that over the years, and shivered. But sometimes when I look at my kids I wonder. I mean, surely those fat little chubby cheeks would taste yummy. Or those chunky thighs. What is it about how cute they are that makes me say "I could just eat you up!"?

Is it possible that's what happens in nature? Forget about a mom eating her young because they were sickly or small or something. Maybe they were just too stinkin' cute for their own good! Maybe she just couldn't help herself. And one bite leads to the next....Oops. Good-bye baby!

3 confessions & pardons:

Marc said...

Um... that's relatively disturbing. Do I need to work from home?

Anonymous said...

I really think that you should publish this stuff1 I think you have a gift for writing and so does your father!
Maybe you might want to reconsider your dairy free diet:)
Love you ,

Sarah said...

Hey Vanessa,
good to "find" you by way of Lynn-nore. she and I spoke the other day.... so sweet to see you have 2 kiddos. We have one girl, 16 mos, and are living in central Bavaria about 2 hrs from Prague. We were there the other weekend and I thought of you the whole time.
sarah (meisel)