February 20, 2009

How's That Feel?

Well, something is working! The anesthesiologist and I are becoming quite close, what with my requests for epidurals and all. Here's a look back:

10. Potty training - still a struggle, but at least he's using the big one now!

9. Milk and soy free foods - getting easier, slowly

8. Car we're using for car that's not working - we were given another car!

7. Updates for computer - still not working

6. Slow computer - make that, s-l-o-w---c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r

5. Losing baby weight - HOORAY! new "diet" works wonders! Only 7 lbs to go!

4. Housing - I think this epidural never took

3. Car that won't go in reverse - we bought a used car!

2. Mother-in-law - getting sick helped me see her in a new light...until she called the other day...

1. Breastfeeding - a thousand times better now!

All-in-all, I have to say I'm quite pleased. But don't worry - I'm sure there will be more requests in the near future!

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