March 10, 2009

35 Minutes

Today I was online for 35 minutes at our home computer.

It opened 3 pages.

Now I'm at the library.

Will this ever get easier???

3 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Whatcha looking up? Did you have two children in tow with you at the library while you were doing some sort of research? If so, you should be sainted!

Anonymous said...

i dont know if this will help. maybe if we think of people in other parts of the world that dont have computers,wash machines,a real home and healthy children and dont know where their next meal is coming from. im not sayig i dont get mad either. but wow! do we relized how much we take for granted. you know i always say to people i dont ever want to be a millionaire. i have a great loving husband and family and i come from such a great big family that i love and i have god , im already rich.

Guilty Mom said...

L - I was desperately trying to find us high-speed internet! And no - no vote for sainthood just yet - they were home with Daddy.

G - You're right, of course. I have gotten stuck in my own little world of what's working and what's not. I'm a spoiled brat - picture the 'rotten egg' girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

[whining] "I just want high-speed internet!!!]