March 13, 2009

Sibling Revelry

Before our Little Miss was born, I fretted over whether or not my Little Man would do well with her. Would he be frustrated with the new baby, angry that Mommy no longer only had eyes for him? Would he try to hurt her or maybe ignore her altogether? Thankfully, my worries have subsided. He is so sweet with her and it melts my heart.

I suppose it helps that he's learned he has a captive audience whenever they're in the same room. She lights up when she sees him, giggles uncontrollably at whatever goofy thing he's doing, and reaches out to grab him and get him closer to her.

In return, he brings her toys to play with, sings her songs, and calls for me to get her whenever she's crying in her crib. A few weeks ago I walked into the room to find him bent close to her saying, "Hi there my sweet little Bunny Rabbit!" Talk about a melting heart! (And while I call my kids lots of random names, this one was all his!) For the past few days he's been rubbing his nose gently on her head and whispering "Nibble, nibble."

When I was younger, my parents always told me that friends would come and go, but that my siblings were forever. I hated that saying. But in watching my own two, I realize it's the prayer of my heart as well. May they always be this enamored with each other. May their friendship blossom over the years. May their families grow old together, sharing the laughter of parallel lives. May they turn to each other someday and say "You know, Mom was right."

4 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

the only thing to worry about is the years between now and then when they begin plotting their own mischief and you overhear "Don't tell Mom." L.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! You know I felt the same way, in Sunday school once we had to write something our parents taught us and so I wrote "no matter how much you hate your sisters now, they'll be your best friends later" I read it aloud and everyone laughed, not sure why...maybe they didn't believe it either. But mom was so right, look at us now, I am so happy she was.

Anonymous said...

I say thank you mom and dad for keeping your 10 children close with family Christmas parties and Thanksgiving and every kind of get together we had. Im so glad to of had those parties. you can see all the joy and love my children had with each other and with their grandparents,aunts, uncles and thier cousins in pictures and videos. Dad and mom you didnt just keep my kids close to each other, you also kept them close to their aunts and uncles and their children too.

Guilty Mom said...

Aunt Ginny - I too love that we have such a huge family. I can't imagine life with two cousins. Our crazy get-togethers are exactly the stuff memories are made of. Of course, I'm not willing to have 10 kids of my own just so that family bonding continues with the next generation!