March 24, 2009

Little Boy Conversations

After putting on hand lotion, I tucked my sweet boy into his "big boy bed" (for the first time tonight!). He looked up at me and said "I smell something wonderful!"

Yesterday we were talking about the moon and I asked him what it was made of. "Ice cream," was his reply. And evidently the sun is made of peanut butter and jelly. And clouds, of popcorn, of course. Anyone else think maybe he's just hungry?

I was changing his sister's diaper and he was chattering away to himself in our bedroom. I heard him say something to the effect of "Up Glose Mountain! Into the closet!" Up Glose Mountain?? I turned to look. He was climbing up over a mountain of laundry to get to the closet. "Up Clothes Mountain!"

"Pick me up Mommy!"
"Pick you up and put you where? On the moon?"
"No! In you hug!"

3 confessions & pardons:

Marc said...

I didn't know that last one. Oh My "Goo-niss!" he is so cute!

Anonymous said...

So sweet!!

Today my parents were here at lunch time and we were all sitting at the table. It rained last night. Caleb looked at the window and said "Mommy, why is there rain on our window?" "Honey, there's rain on the window because it was raining outside and the wind blew some onto our window." "Oh" Caleb says "We gonna have to clean dat." My mother -"the queen of clean" nearly squeezed the life out of him in joy!

Dawn said...

What a cutie!!