October 30, 2009

Calling All Readers!

Okay, I'm committing to blogging everyday for a month. The least you could do is pledge to comment at least once, right? Thank you!

October 26, 2009

November is Almost Here...

June was my practice run. This time it's for real! November is the official National Blog Posting Month (or NaBloPoMo). I'll (hopefully!) be posting everyday during the month of November and could use any ideas, tips, suggestions, encouragement that you have to offer! Want to hear about something in particular? Got a question or need an opinion? Let me know - I'm making up my November list now! Oh, and thanks again to Dawn for sharing this fun idea!

To My Love

In seven years, a number of things have changed. There's now a restaurant in the once-secluded park where you proposed. My body bears the stretchmarks and scars of pregnancy, childbirth, and a removed appendix. We live in a place we swore we never would. We have two of the world's most amazing children. We've lost old friends and welcomed new ones. My childhood home is being rented out. You're working in a field you never dreamed would become your nine-to-five. We've gone through way too many vehicles together. Seven years have taken us to all kinds of strange and glorious places. But through it all, some things have not changed. You've not stopped showing me how much you cherish me. I've not stopped being thankful that you are my lover and friend. I love you. Happy Anniversary.

October 23, 2009

So THAT'S What You Do!

Yes - I'm just a stupid ["we don't say that word Mommy!"] American tourist who can't figure out the toilet paper!

October 20, 2009

Life As a Female (vol.1)

Stage 1: Don't notice body.

Stage 2: Want to display body for all to see, preferably in high heels, lipstick, and with a fairy wand.

Stage 3: Self-conscious about body. Mask self-consciousness by displaying body for all to see, preferably in high heels, lipstick, and with a set of car keys.

Stage 4: Hate body.

Stage 5: Pregnant - love body!

Stage 6: Want pre-baby body back.

Stage 7: Made peace with body. Just glad the compliments roll in for the beautiful kids!

Pop Quiz Answer Will Be Revealed on Friday - Keep Those Guesses Coming!

October 16, 2009

Pop Quiz!

I found myself in Europe, facing the following dilemma:

What would you have done?

October 12, 2009

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
(plus a bus!)

After waaay too many hours of travel, I am home once again. It was a bit of reverse culture shock to come home to kids who need diaper changes and food all the time, but it's good to be back.

If only there were a way to combine it all - the glory of independence, the beauty of travel, the fun in friendship, and the responsibilities of family. Then I'd truly have it all.

October 8, 2009

Picture This...

I have a fabulous set of pictures that I will post once I am home. Be prepared for a pop quiz!

But in the meantime, a quick story from my time at JFK airport.

I checked my luggage and we decided to go for lunch. This of course meant changing terminals and traveling all around the airport. My sweet little 3-year-old son decided that he would pull my carry-on luggage all through the airport. It was the most amazing thing to watch this tiny little boy doing everything he could to help his Mommy. We kept asking him if he wanted or needed help, but he kept telling us he wanted to pull it. My heart melted. I miss him so much.

October 7, 2009

In Praha

I have arrived - safe and sound, and with all my luggage! This makes it the second time I can say that (even though I've been here 4 times now)! Travel went well - all my flights arrived early and the food wasn't terrible. I cried (like a baby) waving good-bye to my family. The security guard saw me composed as I handed him my passport and ticket, then weeping as he handed them back. Poor guy didn't know what to do. I'm staying in an absolutely beautiful home and I've seen "the girls" for dinner already. Tomorrow we'll head to the city center and I'll soak in all the sights I've loved and missed. Keeping busy keeps my mind off my kids. I miss them, but it's good to have a break. A million thanks to hubby who is staying with them and keeping a log of his own adventures! At least I know they're alive!

October 3, 2009

Leaving Soon

Passport photos.....$5.99
Expedited passport.....$148
Parking ticket for spending too long at passport agency.....$25

Being able to visit the people and places that haunt my dreams....PRICELESS!