April 18, 2010

The Final One

They say all good things must come to an end. I don't know if I can say this blog has been "good" or not, but nevertheless - it's time for the end.

Thanks to all who have followed my crazy adventures, shared in the laughter, and giggled at the tears. I appreciate all the comments and encouragement.

And so to close yearbook-style:

Have a great summer!
You're the best!
Don't ever change!

April 1, 2010

On Staying Silent....

My mother told me,

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

February 20, 2010

The Curse Has Been REVERSED!

It must have been our recent trip to North Carolina (where they got a foot of snow the day after we landed!). We got to see the ones who had originally cursed us in the first place - but now, we can finally say - it's over baby! Our little guy has been using the potty on his own for 6 days now! Mommy is thrilled beyond belief! Only thing is, he wants a "surprise" every day for going. Daddy commented this morning - "Potty training is getting very expensive!" My thought? I'd rather pay him five bucks a day for going than ever have to change another diaper again!!!

February 16, 2010

A Day in the Life

I sit to write this and my baby girl wakes with a cry. We'll have to try again soon.

February 9, 2010

Maybe We'll Win the Lottery...

I started a "Buy a New House" Fund. It currently has 86 cents in it.

At this rate, I may be 429 before I'm able to buy a new house, but at least I can say I have money set aside!

December 10, 2009

Paradise (Really) Lost

Remember the story of Adam & Eve? It goes something like this: God says to Adam, "Adam, look over here! Look at this cool tree! See that fruit? It's for you! Eat that fruit! Oh, and over here - look over here! This one is pretty! Eat this fruit! Yeah! But that tree over there...that one's yucky. Blah! Don't eat from that one. But you can eat from ANY OTHER TREE in the whole garden, okay? ... Adam? ... Adam are you listening to me??"

Fast forward a few thousand years and you get our version: "Munchkin, look over here! Look at this cool toy! See this one? It's for you! Use this one! Oh, and over here - look over here! This one is fun! Play with this one? Yeah! But that toy over there...that one you don't need.... You can play with ANY OTHER TOY in the whole house! You don't need the one your sister is using! Okay? ... Munchkin? ... Munchkin are you listening to me??"

December 1, 2009

Happy December!

It's December. I don't have to post today. But I have gotten into the habit of sitting down at the computer during the 11 o'clock hour. I thought about continuing with the daily blogs - I especially like December's challenge - give something to someone everyday and then blog about it. Fun idea, but I think my brain needs a rest. And you probably want a break so you can focus on the holidays. On the other hand, if you want to comment everyday in December - feel free! In fact, I dare you! If nothing else, drop my hubby a line and congratulate him on his job promotion! Enjoy December!

November 30, 2009

End of the Tunnel

Hooray! Hooray! I did it! 30 posts in 30 days! They weren't always interesting. They weren't always clever. But I have such a hard time finishing anything these days - it was nice to complete this!

My favorite post: Useless Information

Worst post: Writer's Block

Longest post: I'll be at Target if You Need Me!

Shortest post: Halfway

Funniest post: Little Man's Random Quote of the Day

Post with most comments: There's No Place Like Home...?

Tear-jerker: My Dad

Top commenters: BlueberryEyesDesign, Nonna, Heidi, Lynn-nore

Come back tomorrow to see what's in store! And thanks to everyone who commented this month - I appreciate your support!