November 27, 2009

The Curse of the Diapers

I was cursed.

I blame it all on a friend who shall remain nameless (but whose initials are MEL).

When I started potty training my son almost 2 years ago, I thought it was going to be just another thing he picked up easily. He had such a teachable spirit and was so eager to please! But then this friend mentioned that she had spoken to her sister about potty training, and that this sister had said that smart boys take a long time with it.

Now I'm sure she meant it as a compliment. But my friend got someone's attention when she replied - "Your little guy's so smart, I'm sure it'll take him forever to be potty trained!"

Yeah. Thanks. That was two years ago. GO AHEAD AND LIFT THE CURSE ALREADY!

3 confessions & pardons:

Anonymous said...

Apparently, smart little girls are even worse, they trick you into believing they are potty trained at 18 months then un-potty train themselves at 2 years!!! There the curse is reversed!!!


Marc said...

Ah ha! Touche!

(It worked, Love, it worked!)

Guilty Mom said...

That. Is. Hysterical! I'm sorry MEL - sort of - but that is just too funny!