November 24, 2009

It's a Mystery

There have been days when I didn't brush my teeth until just before my husband came home from work. Days when showering happened while my kids were taking their afternoon naps. Make-up was put on as Daddy was walking in the door. Clothes were thrown on when I heard the car door close.

Today I traveled to my sister's for the Thanksgiving holiday. We were cleaning and putting up Christmas decorations (don't ask - just read her comment from two days ago!) when the call came in that her husband was on his way home. In 25 minutes we had the place spic-and-span clean, babies fed, and dinner on the table. It was amazing. And he will never know.

husband on the other hand, unfortunately never gets that treatment. It's just too hard. And let's be honest. My house at its cleanest STILL isn't as clean as my sister's at its worst! Oh well. Maybe someday.

Answer to my quiz: As a teenager, I sang on occasion, but NEVER wanted to be a singer!

1 confessions & pardons:

BlueberryEyesDesign said...

Don't forget I only have 1 child. Let's see how it goes when I have 2 or more!! PS. Thanks so much for your help!