November 16, 2009

First Grade

In my former life, I was a first-grade teacher. This is one of my funniest memories.

One day the kids were playing with manipulatives - basically these interlocking blocks. All of the boys made some sort of weapon. There were guns, swords, and lightsabers all over the room.

One boy turned to another with his 'lightsaber' and said "Luke! I am your father!"

Luke looked at him incredulously and said "No you're not!!"

The first boy paused, then replied, "Luke, I am your UNCLE!"

3 confessions & pardons:

Nonna said...

That's cute! I love kids!
We were out the other night and talking with some friends about some of the funny things kids say. Our friend started to tell us about their 4 year old granddaughter who is so good that eveyone calls her a good girl. The 2nd born starts to talk and guess what he calls his big sister. "Good Girl".....

Marc said...

"You are so fast! You're as fast as a pumpkin!"

Anonymous said...

I remember that day!! You've been laughing at that one for a while. Though, I have to say --- that wasn't your former life-- that was this life... in "before I was your Mommy" land. check out