June 1, 2009

Mommy's Weight Loss

It's amazing what a little time (and weight) can do. I weighed this much some number of years ago, and I couldn't stand my body. I scrutinized it and found every little flaw. I agonized over a pound gained and would skip a meal or two to make up for it.

But now, on the other side of childbirth (x2), with all those flaws and a bunch more (including stretch marks and appendix scars!), I am so much more content with the shape I see in the mirror. Some days I even feel really good about it! So if you see me strutting my stuff, be a good sport and send a whistle my way. It'll make my day - but I still won't be wearing a bikini anytime soon! Sorry to burst that bubble honey!

2 confessions & pardons:

Marc said...

how about just for me?

Guilty Mom said...

Ahem. We'll talk about this at home.