June 4, 2009

No, I'm NOT Sorry!

One thing that drives me crazy is feeling like I need to apologize for the choices I've made as a mom. Well guess what? It's time for me to own up to what I've decided, and say - for better or worse - it works for me!

I'm NOT sorry I had two natural childbirths.

I'm NOT sorry I decided to breastfeed my children.

I'm NOT sorry I nursed my son for over a year and plan to do the same for my daughter.

I'm NOT sorry my son is not circumcised.

I'm NOT sorry my kids share a bedroom.

I'm NOT sorry I nurse my babies in bed.

I'm NOT sorry I plan on being done having babies.

I'm NOT sorry my kids eat lots of organics.

I'm NOT sorry they will be fully vaccinated.

I'm NOT sorry I like carrying them around in slings.

I'm NOT sorry they won't go to preschool.

I'm NOT sorry they both can't handle cow's milk.

I'm NOT sorry we refuse to put our kids in the church nursery on Sunday morning.

I'm NOT sorry we're so picky about who watches them.

I'm NOT sorry we sign with our kids.

I'm NOT sorry they're not in eight million programs.

I'm NOT sorry I don't like generic diapers.

I'm NOT sorry I rock my babies to sleep. Okay, yes, sometimes I am sorry about that one!

6 confessions & pardons:

Marc said...

I'm NOT sorry I married such an amazing woman!

I'm NOT sorry we have two fantastic kids!

I'm NOT sorry we are intentionally raising them in The Way, to have a life long faith in Jesus who is the Christ!

I'm NOT sorry my wife has a blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm NOT sorry I have a confident friend who is strong in her convictions!! :-)

I'm NOT sorry about most of the choices I've made in my parenting, even if their different than someone else's.

I'm NOT sorry that my kids are happy, well-adjusted, loving, compassionate, sometimes rambunctous little cuties who sometimes try my patience but mostly inspire me to love them even more than I thought was possible!

Blueberry Eyes Design said...

I'm NOT sorry my baby girl doesn't take a bottle!

I'm NOT sorry I left teaching to stay home with her!

I'm NOT sorry that I kiss my baby girl every chance I get!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot one, I'm NOT sorry that I'm a stay at home mom!

And, I'm NOT sorry that it means my family lives on less and I'm the one spending my time with my kids!

Dawn said...

I'm not sorry I had two c-sections, and I'm not sorry I plan to have more (babies and subsequent c-sections).

I could go on, but a lot of mine are opposites of yours and would sound argumentative, which is not the point. :)

Guilty Mom said...

Dawn, feel free to let us all know what you're not sorry for - that's the point! We may not agree, but it's what works for you - for better or worse!